Contact Us

Call 211
for help with food, housing, bills, health or childcare, tax assistance, and more
Mailing Address
United Way of Central Maryland
P.O. Box 64282
Baltimore, MD 21264-4282
Montgomery Park Business Center
1800 Washington Boulevard
Montgomery Park Office Suite 340
Baltimore, MD 21230
Enter the Blue Lot on Washington Boulevard. Use the left-hand visitor’s lane intercom to announce yourself. Walk to the tunnel entrance (marked with signage), and use the intercom for entry. At the end of the tunnel walkway, turn right (before the food court), proceed down the corridor, then turn left to find the Montgomery Park security desk, located past the front of the building, facing Washington Boulevard. After signing in, you will be directed to the elevator. Take the elevator to the third floor and turn left to enter the United Way offices.
Note: Please allow 10-15 minutes from parking to office arrival.