Call 211. We Are Always Here to Help.
211 Maryland at United Way of Central Maryland (UWCM) is a free and confidential service providing information, community resources, and referrals for a variety of health and human service issues 24/7, every day of the year. Our professional and caring call specialists are here to help.
Need Help? Call 211.
Do you need help with food, healthcare, rent or mortgage, utility or other bills, childcare, or other essential services?
Follow these 3 steps for help:
Dial 211 to be connected to a live call specialist.
If you cannot reach us through 211, dial 410-685-0525 (Greater Baltimore area) or 1-800-492-0618 (elsewhere in Maryland).
Text for help: You can also text your ZIP code to 898 211 to receive help.
Standard message and data rates may apply.
Describe your situation in as much detail as possible.
211 Maryland at UWCM may be able to help you in more ways than you think.
A caring call specialist will guide you each step of the way to help you get the support you need, and will answer any questions you may have.

Welcome to Your 211!
Serving residents of Maryland who need reliable, critical information that they can trust has been a hallmark of the four founding call center organizations of the 211 System in Maryland. We are pleased to continue to provide the accurate, vetted, and timely information about health and human service resources from across the state that you have come to expect from us for decades. And now, you may reach our premier 211 classic database for Maryland at
Whether you prefer dialing 211 or connecting through our uwcm.org/your211 website, rest assured that the high-quality information, researched and curated for you by our certified professionals who adhere to the strictest national 211 call center standards, will be there for you.
Thank you for your confidence in our 211 teams based in Baltimore, Hyattsville, Frederick, and Salisbury. We are here to ensure that 211 is excellent – everywhere – always.

Franklyn Baker
President & CEO
United Way of Central MD

Timothy R. Jansen
Chief Executive Officer
Community Crisis Services

Shannon Aleshire
Chief Executive Officer
Mental Health Assn.
of Frederick County

Jamie Manning LCSW-C
Executive Director
Lite Crisis Center
211 Maryland at UWCM can help you access:
- Food
- Shelters and emergency housing
- Eviction prevention services
- Transitional housing
- Medical care
- Utility and rental assistance
- Tax preparation
- Job training
- Family services and counseling
- Day care
- Prescription assitance
- Suicide prevention, substance use, and crisis center services
Are you at risk of eviction or losing your housing?
If so, you may be eligible for free legal assistance from the Access to Counsel for Evictions (ACE) Program.
Renters in Baltimore may apply for services online. If you rent outside Baltimore, you’ll receive a referral to a lawyer in your area. Note: If you have been notified of a scheduled court hearing and you seek to defend your case, you must attend the hearing. If you do not go to court, the judge may rule in favor of your landlord.

Access the 211 online state-wide database
Find helpful resources related to:
- Housing and homelessness
- Food
- Utility assistance
- Childcare & family support
- Employment Resources
- Veteran & military support
- Legal assistance
- Domestic violence
211 Call Reports
What are people calling about and where are they calling from? Check out our interactive, up-to-date reports for Central Maryland:
Central Maryland Call Volume and Caller Needs
Caller Needs by Central Maryland Jurisdiction
For Partners
Have an idea for a new program or partnership for 211 Maryland at UWCM?
Have a suggestion for new or updated services, resources, or data for 211 Maryland at UWCM?

Support 211 Maryland at United Way of Central Maryland
211 Maryland at UWCM is a critical service for people who need help with basic needs and other resources. It also serves as an important barometer of need in our community, allowing us to identify trends and fill gaps in housing, education, economic advancement, and health in Greater Baltimore.